Sunday, May 17, 2020

Obesity And Obesity Among Adults Essay - 1487 Words

The subject of this paper is overweight and obesity among adults in the U.S. The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of scale of the problem of overweight and obesity. A literature review on the topic was conducted with the goal of identifying factors that have proven to be successful in weight loss programs. Then the Health Belief Model will be described and applied to a proposed weight loss intervention. 1. Overview of Obesity Overweight and obesity is an urgent and universal problem. Between 1980 and 2013, the global proportion of adult men with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25.0 and greater has risen from almost 29% to 37% and of adult women with a BMI of 30% to 38% (Ng, et al. 766). The prevalence of overweight or obesity among children and adolescents in the developed and developing countries has also risen substantially. From 2006, the increase in rates of adult obesity in developed countries has now begun to slow (Ng, et al 766). Heart disease, stroke, and cancers are the three leading causes of mortality in the U.S., and all are associated with overweight and obesity (Okunade, Rubin, Okunade 2). Obesity is the underlying factor for hypertension, low HDL cholesterol, high serum cholesterol, hyperglycemia (Grundy, et al. 434). All of these factors have an adverse impact on cardiovascular health. Unhealthy lifestyles choices underlie these chronic diseases, including diabetes (Romano Scott 707). In the U.S., overweight and obesity are secondShow MoreRelatedObesity Among Children, Adolescents And Adults845 Words   |  4 PagesObesity among children, adolescents and adults has emerged as one of the most serious public health concerns in the 21st century. Being overweight or being considered obese is typically a direct result from daily lifestyle choices, the consequences of which gradually accumulate. 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