Friday, February 28, 2020

Islamophobia. How Is It An Issue In The Workplace Research Paper

Islamophobia. How Is It An Issue In The Workplace - Research Paper Example Islamophobia is an up-coming proportional notion in the social sciences. However, there is no acknowledged meaning of Islamophobia; therefore, it can be relevant to any censure of Islamic activities. Conversely, Islamophobia is not a new movement; however, several Muslim communities encounter increased aggression that is portraying mistrust, deep-rooted intolerance, and ignorance. Regardless its discrimination and intolerance, Islamophobia remains and infringement of human rights and threatens social cohesion. Islamophobia, an intense or illogical fear of all Islamic people is high in the western countries as Muslims are perceived to be a solitary nation that does not identify and reverence precincts set up by western culture and administration. Also, some government representatives like Tony Blair of Britain in 2005 described Sharia laws as a malevolent philosophy, leading further to Muslims being viewed as ‘others’ and as ‘enemies’ in communities that once co-existed peacefully. This statement receded Britain’s view of being a multi racial, ethnic and religious nation. In this paper, the researcher will provide a theoretical framework of Islamophobia and how affects the workplace and its implications towards Human resource (Allen 130) The west has different moral and ethical codes compared to countries run with Islamic culture. Especially on mass media moral principles, most processes and practices are based on the advertising mechanisms and sales standards. Several media houses are deeply rooted on western ideologies and philosophies. The west civil liberties, responsibilities, liberty, and guidelines of the press slightly differ from Islamic governed countries and that is why the western media views some of their cultures, for example, towards women as oppressive and as denial of some of the basic human rights. The background information of the Islamic culture Islam is a monotheistic faith made known through Prophet Muhammad , Allah’s prophet; in fact, it is regarded a major global religious conviction. In addition, the Islamic religion is the second largest religion, growing at a high speed alongside Christianity. It is estimated that, of every five people on earth, one of them is a Muslim (Heinz 103). Most Europeans who have travelled through Muslim societies have depicted Muslim women as oppressed by their men that they are victims both sexually and as the weak sex. Likewise, the media have portrayed women as an allurement showing how they have been victimized and perplexed. On the other hand, Muslim men have been viewed by western countries as barbaric, sexists and terrorists. Therefore, Islamic beliefs and culture have become more scrutinized especially after 9/11, citing their prayers and wearing of hijabs as Islamic fundamentalism. Therefore, discrepancies have risen based on how societies have seen Muslims. This has made people afraid to have Muslims as neighbors. In addition, at the airp orts or in a plane, Muslims and people of Arabic origin are looked at suspiciously leading to stigmatization, seclusion, and even being biased towards Muslims (Williams 4). The society has perceived Muslims as evil doers. To some extent, Muslims are being persecuted for their choice of the way of life/religious beliefs. Undeniably, that is a wrong influence on how to view the Islamic culture and its followers. This is because views expressed by the Islamic extremists that do not necessarily represent the views and perception of Islam as a whole. These extreme activists, most of them being Middle Eastern Muslims have been waging war in western countries through terrorism. The Qur’an states that, during times of ignorance, people worshipped idols as a way of staying

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sociology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Sociology - Essay Example The younger generation is more likely to involve in hate crimes. They may be classified as thrill seekers who attempt hate crimes in order to get pleasure. Individual may also commit such crimes to defend their communities and territories. A white perpetrator of hate crimes is more likely to adopt violent, aggressive and biased behaviors against blacks and other ethnic groups as they feel insecure and suspect those groups to steal their housing spaces, jobs and share facilities which belong to them being domestic civilians (Chakraborti & Garland 2009, pp. 138-139). A typical person who commits hate crimes may also belong to the minority group living in a diversified society like America. Minority groups often feel prejudiced or discriminated by other members of the society. This discriminating behavior leads to minority groups’ resentment and discomfort which leads to violent and antisocial behaviors. Since hate crimes are not committed for one particular reason, the targets o r victims of such crimes are also not identifiable by a fixed categorization technique. Hate crimes may be against a particular ethnic group, social group, political group, gender, religion, social class and so on. Hate crimes can be committed against people belonging to different categories. People may be categorized according to their profession, age, gender, social class etc. Hence, the identification of hate crimes is a difficult task as it requires an in depth information of the victim or target before categorizing it according to any trait or characteristic that a victim/targeted person holds (Bassette & Salem 1996, pp. 362-363). Crimes are often originated due to psychological distress, conflicts and disagreements in a society. The hate crimes are also associated with the inconsistencies on social, economic, political, religious and financial grounds. The unprivileged groups or individuals develop resentment and hatred against the privileged groups. Discrimination and bias on any grounds can develop the feelings of discontent and disagreements with other groups. Racial and ethnic bias due to increased population of a particular race or ethnicity may result in hate crimes. Legal and regulatory changes for disabled population, particular sexual groups, different religious groups, specific culture, ethnically diverse groups and others create negative thoughts and behaviors among people of one group for the other (Perry 2003, pp. 284-289). These behaviors and negative interpretation of the changes in laws and regulations provoke them to commit hate crimes. Economic factors including unemployment, increased competition, unavailability of resources and lack of competence also encourage hate crimes against those who are employed, have ample resources, skills and qualifications. If a particular racial group is given opportunities to get higher grade jobs while others are not, the biased distribution of opportunities would encourage hatred, harassment and negati ve reactions by other racial groups. In short, most of the hate crimes result due to prejudice, bias or personal hatred related to a particular person, ethnic group, race, gender or religion. Education is the first and most efficient manner of reducing crimes of any type. The education about crimes, their effects and possible outcomes for the perpetrator and the society would help in reducing the crime rates. Hate crimes are