Sunday, December 29, 2019

Biography of Richard Hamilton, English Pop Art Pioneer

Richard William Hamilton (February 24, 1922 - September 13, 2011) was an English painter and collage artist best-known as the father of the Pop Art movement. He started the crucial elements that defined the style and laid the groundwork for future significant figures like Roy Lichtenstein and Andy Warhol. Fast Facts: Richard Hamilton Occupation: Painter and collage artistBorn: February 24, 1922 in London, EnglandDied: September 13, 2011 in London, EnglandSpouses: Terry OReilly (died 1962), Rita DonaghChildren: Dominy and RodericSelected Works: Just what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing? (1956), Towards a definitive statement on the coming trends in menswear and accessories (1962), Swingeing London (1969)Notable Quote: Its not so easy to create a memorable image. Art is made through the sensibilities of an artist, and the kind of ambitions and intelligence, curiosity and inner direction that role requires. Early Life and Education Born into a working-class family in London, England, Richard Hamilton began attending evening art classes at age 12 and received encouragement to apply to the Royal Academy of the Arts. The academy accepted him into its programs at age 16, but he had to withdraw when the school shut down in 1940 due to World War II. Hamilton was too young to enlist in the military and spent the war years executing technical drawings. Richard Hamilton returned to the Royal Academy when it reopened in 1946. Soon the school expelled him for not profiting from the instruction and failing to follow regulations. After acceptance into the Slade School of Art in 1948, Hamilton studied painting with artist William Coldstream. Less than two years later, he exhibited his work at the Institute for Contemporary Arts in London. His new friendships with fellow artists allowed him to be present at the 1952 meeting of the Independent Group where Eduardo Paolozzi showed collages with images from American magazine advertisements. They inspired Richard Hamilton to explore what soon became known as Pop Art. Chris Morphet / Getty Images British Pop Art In the 1950s, Richard Hamilton began teaching art in various locations around London. In 1956, he helped define the This Is Tomorrow exhibit at the Whitechapel Gallery. Many consider the event the beginning of the British Pop Art movement. It included Hamiltons landmark piece Just what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing? Following the acclaim surrounding This Is Tomorrow, Hamilton accepted a teaching position at the Royal College of Art in London. David Hockney was among his students. In a 1957 letter, Hamilton stated that Pop art is: popular, transient, expendable, low-cost, mass-produced, young, witty, sexy, gimmicky, glamorous, and Big Business. China Photos / Getty Images A personal tragedy took place in 1962 when Richard Hamiltons wife, Terry, died in a car accident. While mourning, he traveled to the U.S. and developed an interest in the work of conceptual art pioneer Marcel Duchamp. Hamilton met the legendary artist at a Pasadena retrospective, and they became friends. Art and Music In the 1960s, Richard Hamilton straddled the gap between pop music and contemporary art. Bryan Ferry, founder and lead vocalist of Roxy Music, was one of his dedicated students. Through his agent, Robert Fraser, Hamilton encountered other rock musicians like the Rolling Stones. A drug arrest of Fraser and Rolling Stones lead vocalist, Mick Jagger, is the subject of a series of 1969 Richard Hamilton prints titled Swingeing London. Hamilton also developed a friendship with Paul McCartney of The Beatles and designed the cover for the White Album in 1968. Swingeing London 67 (1969). Dan Kitwood / Getty Images Late in his career, Hamilton explored working with new technology. He used television and computers. After the BBC asked him to take part in a television series titled Painting With Light, he used Quantel Paintbox software to develop new works of art. It wasnt his first exploration of the interaction of modern technology and art. He used a stereophonic soundtrack and Polaroid camera demonstration as elements of his art lectures as early as 1959. Legacy Richard Hamilton is often credited as the father of Pop Art. His concepts and works influenced the movement in both the U.K. and the U.S. The piece Just what is it that makes todays homes so different, so appealing from 1956 is usually identified as the first true Pop Art piece. It is a collage using images cut out of American magazines. A contemporary muscleman and a female underwear model are perched in a modern living room surrounded by state-of-the-art technology and luxury items. The word Pop on a lollipop held by the muscleman like a tennis racket gave the title to the movement. Hamiltons first work of Pop Art also includes elements that predict major directions in the movement. A painting on the back wall showing comic book art anticipates Roy Lichtenstein. A canned ham points toward the consumer art of Andy Warhol, and the oversized lollipop is reminiscent of the sculptures of Claes Oldenburg. Sources Sylvester, David. Richard Hamilton. Distributed Art, 1991.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Relationship Between Homeland Security And Homeland Defense

â€Å"We have learned as a Nation that we must maintain a constant, capable, and vigilant posture to protect ourselves against new threats and evolving hazards. But we have also learned that vigilance and protection are not ends in and of themselves, but rather necessary tools in the service of our national purpose.†(Napolitano, 2010, p.iv) In the wake of the September 11th, 2001 attacks our nation has taken upon itself extreme vigilance to ensure the security and defense of the American people. The relationship between homeland security and homeland defense is one that is tightly knit. Each has a very distinct mission set but somewhere along the spectrum they cross over and mutually support each other in the best interest of the nation.†¦show more content†¦We see this with the Department of Homeland Security taking lead on drug reduction and illegal border crossing. Vast amounts of intelligence and manpower are required for an effective homeland security program . Additionally, the crossflow of communication is key in-between the various agencies and departments within the government. â€Å"North America – Our Nation’s most vital interests are the safety and security of our people and territory and our way of life. We will defend the homeland and play a critical role in supporting homeland security. We will work with the Department of Homeland Security, particularly the Coast Guard, to improve air, maritime, space, cyberspace and land domain awareness to help secure the approaches to our continent and Nation.† (National Military Strategy, Mullen, 2011, p.10) The National Military Strategy outlines specifically that the U.S. military will work synergistically with the Department of Homeland Security to ensure the security of our nation’s core territory and interest. The requirements levied upon the homeland defense mission are very overt in nature. The military takes bold action to the conventional threats against the United States such as nuclear inter-continental ballistic missiles or unwarranted territorial expansions. Today we se e violent extremism spreading across and controlling other nations which poses a major threatShow MoreRelatedIntelligence, Terrorism, And Terrorism1481 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Homeland security is all about ensuring the safety and security of the United States (U.S.) and its citizens. It was apparent that the attacks of September 11, 2001 were lack of intelligence. Since then, the U.S. has given great emphasis of intelligence to prevent terrorist events such as 9/11 from happening again. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Murders and Aggravated Assault Free Essays

Aggravated assault and murder are some of the most heinous crimes that occur in our society today.   It is stated in the news that there are around 1-4 cases of murders and around 300 reported victims of aggravated assault in every 10,000 people per year. Moreover, the data still vary depending on the type of country’s progress. We will write a custom essay sample on Murders and Aggravated Assault or any similar topic only for you Order Now It follows that as the country is more developed, the crime rates are higher. Both the aggravated assault and murder involved more than one party of conflicting views which leads to infliction of harm over the other party. The crimes mentioned are considered to be the worst crimes in our society and the perpetuators are subjected to long time in prison depending on the place where the crime is committed. Different countries have different punishments for murder and aggravated assault. (, 2006) Although the two crimes results to serious physical damage, they usually differ according to some factors. Aggravated assault takes place when an individual is provoked or pushed to do such act. Moreover, the situation or the defendant himself is the reason why the event took place. The use of a deadly weapon to attack an individual and causes a serious physical injury or even death to that individual is also a classification of aggravated assault not to mention it is also an element in murder. On the other hand, murder, also termed as killing, is associated with premeditation which means that there is an intension to harm or to kill in murder unlike in the aggravated assault. In this regard, the person who committed the crime planned and escaped from that act. Therefore, one can only be charged and accused by murder if s/he commits the elements actus reus and mens rea which are Latin for â€Å"guilty act† and â€Å"guilty mind†.   Therefore, murder differs with aggravated assault if there is the presence of malice or intension to harm the other individual.   (Investigation, 2004) References: (2006). murder.  Ã‚   Retrieved November 15, 2006, from Investigation, D. o. J. F. B. o. (2004). Aggravated assault. from    How to cite Murders and Aggravated Assault, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Business Plan Is Important For Organizationâ€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Business Plan Is Important For Organization? Answer: Introducation Jerry delivery services are known as the popular food delivery company that delivers food in homes and offices. Aim of the company is to make profit and provide best quality services to the customers so that it can achieve the objectives and responsibilities to the business. Jerry delivery service is a conceptual business based on connecting restaurants to customers directly at their homes or their offices (Dentchev, 2009). Being a service company, it is seeking to provide fresh and high quality food picking form the various restaurants and delivery of products at the mentioned time so the food remain hot and fresh. Delivery vehicles are clean so that they maintain proper hygiene. Delivery guys whom they recruit are young so that they provide time based delivery and have complete idea about the city so that they reach the location on time. They will give proper tracking devices to their employees and GPS availability so that they can locate the delivery boy and calculate the expected time to reach the location of customer. They insure a wide range of product in their delivery because Jeremy food Delivery will collaborate with the best restaurants in the city, providing best taste and quality with wide range of products. The company will ensure that their services are accountable and give proper bills to their clients and customers. Along with this, company is providing a positive working environment to the employees where they can learn, grow and achieve organizational objectives in the business (Marcer, 2012). Product and services Jerry Delivery Services is basically providing delivery of food receiving the product directly from the restaurants and proactively delivering it to the address of the customers. Their basic concept is to provide hot food to the customers who don`t have time to go to the restaurants or are busy in office work etc. Their delivery services are providing all sorts of foods available in the city as they have collaboration with all the restaurants in the city (Glowik Smyczek, 2011). Mission The mission of the company is to establish strong network in terms of delivery services and meet all the needs and requirements of the customers within that area in which the company is operating. Their main target is getting the biggest network of restaurant and timely delivery of the product to the addresses of the customers. Vision The vision statement of the company is to be at the top 10 foremost companies in the industry of delivery services till out 5th anniversary. Market Analysis Industry Analysis The restaurants with the food delivery services are growing in the USA, Asia and Europe market and they are attracting various customers on daily basis. All credit goes to the new internet platforms which help the new business to grow and provide their services to make profits. The most traditional form of food delivery was for Pizza parlour. However the urban countries these days provide all kinds of restaurant food delivery. A lot of customers are still placing orders by a phone call, but the online method of food delivery is also practiced in urban areas. The food is usually well packed and delivered by automobile, vans and many other vehicles. There are some companies that have started providing effective delivery with the help of advance technology like drones to deliver food and drinks (Payne and Holt, 2008). Many small restaurants are now collaborating with companies who deliver food in the locality. Late night foods services are the new innovation where food is delivered 24*7 . Competitors Traditional food delivery only involves the Pizza Delivery and the first company to start it was Domino`s. Later on big suits like Pizza hut and Papa John`s also started with the delivery of Pizza in many cities. Studies have shown a major need and want of services like food delivery such as GrubHub, which provides delivery in major cities. GrubHub is the number once company so far. They have best services in the market with great network of food industry as well as best taste and preferences which attracts potential buyer the most. Their obvious competition is GrubHUB 900 cities, and then their second competitor is Doordash which is not as big as GrubHUb but it has many special features, they provide maximum customer satisfaction. Along with this, Postmates,, Eat24 are some other competitor who has well developed system of providing systematic food as well as quality services. Primary Target market In case of food and beverages, there are broad ranges of target consumers. However food delivery is majorly a choice for people who have lack of time to visit a restaurant, order the food and wait for it. Thus, out target market cannot be considered as the group of individuals, but those people who are generally busy in offices or at homes, old people fond of various kinds of food, snacks and soft drinks that are famous in the city (Payne Holt, 2008). They will basically target the millennial as they are fond of eating food but dont have ample time or they value their time. Household who are interested in cultural food and dont have time to visit a restaurant. Many nuclear family have working members by the time they reach home after the work they dont have time to prepare food for themselves, so they prefer online food delivery services (Baumgartner Korhonen, 2010). In such manner, company has done proper market research and gathered data of about the requirements and needs of the customers. Based on the research, target customers for the delivery company are as follows: Families Kids Working individuals (BPO`s and KPO`s) Government organizations Professional people Superstars Army people Scholars Travellers People under target locations Marketing Product Their market survey and analysis helped them to choose the location of their headquarters. Jeremy Delivery Services conducted a thorough market research. Food delivery will deliver any desired food, which is really important point in todays industry. In today`s society people opt more for choices they prefer to go with the company that offers more of choices. Their delivery services will be best in terms of speed and quality of services. Jeremy Delivery Services will ensure minimum delivery time to the customers. Restaurants providing order to Jeremy Delivery Services need to be good in customer ratings and provide best quality of food and packaging. (SChnaars, 2010)Company will enable a cost-plus pricing strategy, so no matter how the business goes the company should always turn a profit. (Rushkoff, 2010).The company will hire the best marketing agents who can do best marketing of their venture in big corporate and offices. In order to continue their services the company will target the best restaurant and let their potential customers know about the easy food delivery services. The company will also take the following steps for promoting their business. Introduce their business by promoting in various locations such as various organizations, residential areas, and colleges with the print media. Promotions by the events and road shows among the target customers, Promotions and advertisements on the media such as newspaper, TV and radio Referral schemes and social media campaign at every social media website. Engage in direct marketing and sales Posting Banners in every restaurants about the food delivery from the restaurant in which they eat the food. Customer may prefer home delivery at times. The company will use all available sources of promoting the food industry. Social media like Facebook and Instagram are best for promoting the business in the locality by targeting the audiences. (Patel, 2015) says that its company`s duty to help the customer to make the decisions. The company will keep them updated by social and print media about their latest schemes and deals. Their technical team will take care of all the online orders placed by the customers so that the process remains simple and easy. Their Special coupons scheme will help them to attract the new audience and give a try to the services run by their company. They will make certain rules for their advertising and publicity and bring brand value to their services and they are- They will ensure that their staffs wear customized uniform and all are delivery vans are official printed by their company logo, name and well branded Leverage on social media to promote their page and brand. Distribute their fliers, pamphlets and hand bills. Posting banners near schools and offices. So that potential buyers can b attracted towards their product (Lymbersky, 2009). Pricing When it comes for pricing such as delivery industry things are really simple as there are no hard and fast rules the prices depends on quantity of food or the distance. Mainly they will have contracts with the restaurant as well as the customers. They will be charging money to both of them. Their pricing for food delivery will be $8 for food price is up to $75. Price will be waived if the prices go high and they charge 10% gratuity as per the law. Extra charges may apply due to traffic condition or location away from the city boundaries like outskirts of the city. 3% percent of the total purchase will be charges to the restaurant if the customer purchases the food from portal of Jerry Delivery Services (Hoskisson, 2009). Payment Options They will take some amount in advance when the customer books his meal so as to unsure that the profits of the firms are not hampered by the sudden cancellation at the customer end, in case the meal is already prepared. Thus online payment portals are necessary in the business. Payment via mobile money transfer, Credit Cards / point of sales machines, Payment via online bank transfer, Payment via cash are few of the important decisions. Bank payment and all sorts of online payments are convenient sources of payments. Their account number and payment details will be available on the website with the payment process (Schnaars, 2010). Distribution It is really important for the food delivery industry to do proper Distribution planning, so that the delivery is done on the given time at the address of the buyer. The proper tracking of delivery boy tracks the location and he/she receive the order of the nearest restaurant located in that particular area. The delivery boy takes the parcel and sends it to the address of the customer mentioned. The complete process is done in the predetermined time. In case of there is difficulty the customer is informed about the reason for delay (Poornima, 2015). Promoting Their service will be advertised in all sort of Social Media Channels as well as, they will run Face book sponsored ads in the parts of USA, so that they can target the audience that they need. They will run commercial advertisements on television. Newspaper and journal articles, yellow pages directory, Food bloggers are other source of attraction to be used by their, marketing team in order to promote the business. Financial Plan In setting up any business, the amount or cost will depend on the approach and scale you want to undertake. Investment involved in a business can be low or high depending upon the vision and goals of the business. The tools and the equipment used in delivery business are almost capital in nature. They need standard website and application for getting the orders, delivery vans, bikes, and scooters. Aside from that regular expenses for fuel, telecommunication, Salary to employees and marketing are some of the important expenses in the business (Debelak, 2006). Total fee for registration of the business- $850 Legal expenses in getting permission and license and various services such as machines and software$1,300 Promotional expenses while starting the service and flyer printings- $3,880 Charge for employing Business adviser $2,500. Other start-up charges with petty expenses- ($500) Phone and useful deposits- ($4,500) Working charges in first 3 months (salaries of employees, and expenses of bills) $50,000 Cost incurred in various equipments (cash register, safety, freshening, signage) $13,750 The cost of Launching a Website $1200 Transportation vehicles like scooter, bike and delivery van $38000 Miscellaneous $10,000 Cost for construction of a standard office furniture $20,000 They also need an estimate amount of 77,280 for other operational cost and sudden enclosure to loss. So they keep it as the reserve for uncertainty. Critical Risk Many companies have their own delivery services which generally provide free home delivery. This is a weakness to the sector. Other competitors are trying t capture the market. Thus delivery should be time based. No external factor should stop him working. In the world of globalisation, there are various opportunities for the companies in terms of food consumption, taste and preferences and availability of the food etc (Joshi, 2009).Competitors available in the market from a long time dont allow new companies to enter the market. by identifying the needs and demands of the customers, delivery company would be able to get competitive advantage over the competitors. Although, company can face some threats in terms of rules and regulations imposed by government but with the effective strategies, company can get success in the market. References Baumgartner, R. J., and Korhonen, J., (2010), Strategic thinking for sustainable development: Sustainable Development, 18(2), pp. 71-75 Debelak, D., (2006), Perfect phrases for business proposals and business plans, McGraw-Hill Dentchev, N., (2009), Corporate Social Performance as a Business Strategy: Journal of Business Ethics, 55(4), pg. 397 412 Glowik, M. Smyczek, S., (2011), International Marketing Management: Strategies, Concepts and Cases in Europe, Page 301, (4th), New York: Physica-Verlag Hoskisson, R., (2009), Business strategy: theory and cases. (6th), UK: John Murray Joshi, A. W., (2009), Continuous supplier performance improvement: Effects of collaborative communication and control: Journal of Marketing, 73(1), 133150 Lymbersky, C., (2009), Market Entry Strategies: Text, Cases and Readings in Market Entry Management, (5th), Australia: Christoph Lymbersky Marcer, D., (2012), Marketing strategy: the challenge of the external environment, (5th), Washington: Sage Publications Patel, G., (2015), Diagnosing Customer Value: Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing: British Journal of Management, 12 (2), pp 159 182 Payne, A., Holt, S., (2008), Diagnosing Customer Value: Integrating the Value Process and Relationship Marketing: British Journal of Management, 12 (2), pp 159 182 Rushkoff D.,(2010), Program or be programmed: Ten commands in a digital age, NY:OR Books. Schnaars, S., (2010), Marketing strategy: a customer-driven approach, (5th) Huntington, New York: Free Press Schnaars, S., (2010), Marketing strategy:. a customer-driven approach. (5 th ) Huntington, NewYork: Free Press Poornima, S., (2015), Climate Change in India: Challenges and Solutions, accessed on 10th September 2017 from